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  1. YOUTH TALENT SHOWS: Since our inception, it has been our main avenue of funding. It enabled us keep young leaders in class as well as maintained our rented Centre together with running cost of the organisation.
  2. SUPER SATURDAYS are designed to educate, entertain and raise funds. It entails talks on issues affecting young people, Quiz, Debates, Video Shows on Youth issues together with Ebbeh and other food stuff sales. The programme is also punctuated with music from our own crews with songs composed by them.
  3. FUNDRAISING SPORTS: Sports bring together best of friends and worst of enemies. The focus here is the peace that it brings and the avenue it creates to raise funds. Basketball, Football and Volleyball inter school Tournaments organised by us create the desired interaction as well as give us a financial push too.
  4. ANNUAL CHARITY FUNDRAISING DINNER: This fundraising programme targets well wishers of LAH who cannot attend our programmes designed for students mostly. A dinner punctuated by speeches and music by live bands. The money raised goes to our Students Aid Fund (SAF)
  5. SWEETS & BUTTER SKUTCH SALES: Small contributions from a hundred people sums up to large amounts. Five sweets @ 50bututs each sold by ten agents in a school suggest D25 per day per agent sales. That is how our Sweets Sales programme is designed. We end up selling a sweet and LAH concept and subsequently keep a needy young leader in class.
  6. LAHS LAND: The acquisition of a Land of our own and a Centre belonging to us will redirect D20 000 from rent cost to our Students Aid Fund (SAF) annually. The necessary steps to be taken to acquire a Land have been taken. The Lands’ Office has strongly promised to allocate us land as soon as possible. We intend to erect a multi-purpose Hall, two Classroom Blocks, and a Hostel, which will also house future LAH Offices and a Multi-purpose recreational lawn.
  7. FEMALE WING: Creates an opportunity for our female members to be exposed to, inspired by and learn from successful women in the Gambia through Symposia, Talks, Panel Discussions among other activities. Generally the Wing is designed to encourage girls participation in LAHS which is indeed very low for now.